Our Vision
To promote and maintain high standards of conduct and ethics in the real estate profession and to have this profession recognized as a valued asset to the community.
Our Mission
We exist to help our members be more successful in real estate.

To protect the individual right of real estate ownership and to widen the opportunity to enjoy it.

To be honorable and honest in all dealings.

To seek better to represent my clients by building my knowledge and competence.

To serve well my community and through it my country.

To act fairly towards all in the spirit of the “Golden Rule”

To observe the REALTOR®’s Code of Ethics and conform my conduct to its lofty ideals.
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Meet the Board of Directors
Jason Goette, President
Morgan Hoff, President Elect
Ann Schmidt, Secretary/Treasurer
Jill Schoenefeld, MLS Chairperson
Lisa DiRose, Association Executive
State Director, Nash Colberg
State Director, Julie Knutson
State Director, Charlie Larkin
Local Director, Army Anderton
Local Director, David Schmidt